Energy Efficiency

We provide engineering consulting to make more out of energy. Utilize our know-how in the field of energy efficiency:

Energy efficiency is one of the most important energy sources and a pillar stone for sustainable business and industry development.
Energy effiency is not only green worth but also money worth – we convert the value.
Energy is an expensive commodity – especially for our future generations.


Your Business and Cost Advantage – Our Service

"Exergy – maximum useful work possible".

Our name is our mission in optimization of energy processes and applications in corporations and economy. Given energy input converted into maximized application in business operation is an active contribution to daily energy efficiency.

Applied technologies are developing on and the spectrum of useful application is extended day by day. Utilize our broad and long lasting experience in various engineering applications for your improvement of energy efficiency.


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Analysis and Planning

Sensible energy handling and utilizing our experience for your daily energy balance.
We take care of your energy flow in your corporation and we calculate your energy saving potentials in dedicated project scenarios. We work together with different groups of experienced partners in the field of energy efficiency.

Engineering Planning

Converting potential into concrete plans. Engineering experts from various branches will find the appropriate solution for your challenges. Solutions for the purpose of your business and the environment.

Project Management

Planning is not the end of the story – we will strive for a happy end of your project. Our team works on the task on site with a predefined result -proving the efficiency and economical output for you.

Energy Audit and Energy Management Systems

Energy with system – a system for energy. Responsibility for dealing with energy inside corporation as a part of management system:

  • Stragety and business targets
  • Organization and responsibility
  • Workflows and processes
  • Systems and methodology
  • Information and control
  • Technical systems and data management
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