Energy Procurement for Europe’s largest Pharmaceutical Retailer – (2021-2022)

DELTA EXERGY receives the order to support the energy procurement for natural gas for Europe’s largest pharmaceutical retailer with supply points in the Czech Republic and to carry out the energy procurement as external support under a European coordination.

For leading companies in industry and economy, we use our many years of expertise to procure primary energy (mostly electricity and natural gas) on the national energy markets in Europe. DELTA EXERGY is the regional, exclusive partner of a leading global energy specialist for the regions of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.

On behalf of the company we plan the energy procurement and advise on the ideal timing in the procurement, depending on the current market developments. We carry out the tender with our competence and our work tools.

  • transparency
  • effectiveness
  • Maximize competition
  • Drafting the contractual terms
  • Risk management
  • The result of the tender is presented to the company together with our professional recommendation for the management decision.

We then accompany the customer in the entire contract changeover to the new supplier.

DELTA EXERGY supports the leading European companies in energy procurement in CZ & SK

Global or European industrial companies understand that commodity energy must be procured as professionally as any other direct consumption group. Energy purchases differently than toilet paper and the cost lever is correspondingly large, so that the right procurement involves a large efficiency lever that should be raised in an entrepreneurial manner.

The client is the largest pharmaceutical retailer in Europe and operates a sales and trading organization in the Czech Republic as well.

Central logistics facilities
Points of sale

Everyone needs energy for the smooth running of the business.

DELTA EXERGY and WORLD KINECT ENERGY are the right and efficient partners for this task.

Energy Procurement for a global Mechanical Engineering Company in the Czech Republic (2021-2022) – KINECT ENERGY

DELTA EXERGY receives the order to support the energy procurement for electricity and natural gas for a leading global specialist in mechanical engineering for the safe operation of large industry with supply points in the Czech Republic and to carry out the energy procurement as external support under a European coordination.

The company specializes in using innovative engineering tasks and its own products to minimize the impact of technical processes on people and the environment by increasing the reliability of technical processes. For the locations in the Czech Republic, energy in the form of electricity and natural gas is required, DELTA EXERGY helps to procure these energies on the market.

For leading companies in industry and economy, we use our many years of expertise to procure primary energy (mostly electricity and natural gas) on the national energy markets in Europe. DELTA EXERGY is the regional, exclusive partner of a leading global energy specialist for the regions of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.

On behalf of the company we plan the energy procurement and advise on the ideal timing in the procurement, depending on the current market developments. We carry out the tender with our competence and our work tools.

  • transparency
  • effectiveness
  • Maximize competition
  • Drafting the contractual terms
  • Risk management

The result of the tender is presented to the company together with our professional recommendation for the management decision.

We then accompany the customer in the entire contract changeover to the new supplier.

DELTA EXERGY supports the leading European companies in energy procurement in CZ & SK

Global or European industrial companies understand that commodity energy must be procured as professionally as any other direct consumption group. Energy purchases differently than toilet paper and the cost lever is correspondingly large, so that the right procurement involves a large efficiency lever that should be raised in an entrepreneurial manner.

Everyone needs energy for the smooth running of the business.

DELTA EXERGY and WORLD KINECT ENERGY are the right and efficient partners for this task.

Energy markets: Regulator Reporting for Natural Gas Market is delivered to Customers for the Czech Republic

Regulatory Reporting Services for Customers in Industry and Economy

Customers need an insight into the price structure of the regulated costs, prices and taxes and the management consultancy in order to be able to optimize each individual cost item with the regulated possibilities.

DELTA ADVICE GmbH creates the regulator reporting for the customers in partnership with WORLD Kinect Energy.

DELTA ADVICE GmbH has completed the reports on regulator reporting for the region of Czech and Slovak Republic for WORLD Kinect Energy customers. The reports are always updated during the year and made available to the customer for his work in energy management.

The customer crisis includes leading global and European customers from business and industry who design and optimize energy consumption in the energy markets in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Large customers and energy consumers need an up-to-date insight into the current laws, regulations and stipulations of the responsible Ministry of Economic Affairs, the regulatory authority and the market operator.

We regularly provide our customers with annual and mid-year contracts

  • a regulatory report of natural gas commodity,
  • with all currently applicable fees, prices and taxes in the regulation,
  • an outlook on current topics in the country’s respective energy industry,
  • Analyzes to optimize the total energy costs in the respective commodity.

A special focus is on Renewable Energies in the Czech Republic and the related taxes for natural gas customers. The regulator reporting is created by DELTA ADVICE GmbH as a regional, exclusive partner for WORLD Kinect Energy.

Management advice does not include legal or tax advice in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. DELTA ADVICE GmbH is the regional and exclusive partner at World Kinect Energy for the Czech Republic (CZ) and Slovak Republic (SK).

Selected references on the topic

Energy markets: Regulator Reporting for Electricity Market is delivered to Customers for the Czech Republic

Regulatory Reporting Services for Customers in Industry and Economy

Customers need an insight into the price structure of the regulated costs, prices and taxes and the management consultancy in order to be able to optimize each individual cost item with the regulated possibilities.

DELTA ADVICE GmbH creates the regulator reporting for the customers in partnership with WORLD Kinect Energy.

DELTA ADVICE GmbH has completed the reports on regulator reporting for the region of Czech and Slovak Republic for WORLD Kinect Energy customers. The reports are always updated during the year and made available to the customer for his work in energy management.

The customer crisis includes leading global and European customers from business and industry who design and optimize energy consumption in the energy markets in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Large customers and energy consumers need an up-to-date insight into the current laws, regulations and stipulations of the responsible Ministry of Economic Affairs, the regulatory authority and the market operator.

We regularly provide our customers with annual and mid-year contracts

  • a regulatory report for commodity electricity,
  • with all currently applicable fees, prices and taxes in the regulation,
  • an outlook on current topics in the country’s respective energy industry,
  • Analyzes to optimize the total energy costs in the respective commodity.

A special focus is on the Renewable Energies (RES / OZE) in the Czech Republic and the related taxes for electricity customers. The regulator reporting is created by DELTA ADVICE GmbH as a regional, exclusive partner for WORLD Kinect Energy.

Management advice does not include legal or tax advice in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. DELTA ADVICE GmbH is the regional and exclusive partner at World Kinect Energy for the Czech Republic (CZ) and Slovak Republic (SK).

Selected references on the topic

Partner Agreement Bergen Energi AS and DELTA EXERGY s.r.o.

A Business trip to Bergen (Norway) is always a highlight. Partnering with Bergen Energi AS in Energy Services for Czech Republic and Slovac Republic is a Wonderful Business extension for both companies. In the media studio of Bergen Energi AS in Fantovtvegen, we have signed the contract.


Bergen Energi AS und DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. schlossen strategische Partnerschaft für Expansion der Dienstleistungen für Energiemarkt in die Tschechische und Slowakische Republik ab.

BERGEN, NORWEGEN – Ab 1. Juni 2011, der führende internationale Energie Experte, Bergen Energi erweitert seine Dienstleistungen für die CEE-Märkte um die Märkte in der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik durch eine strategische Partnerschaft mit der Prager DELTA EXERGY s.r.o..
Im Einklang mit der Firmenstrategie, den Kunden die Services auf allen wichtigen Märkten in Europa anbieten zu können, ist Expansion in diese beiden CEE-Ländern entscheidend. Viele Kunden von Bergen Energi haben dort Niederlassungen und Produktionsstätten und erfordern ein Leistungsportfolio aus einer Organisation. Gleichfalls aufgrund der letzten Entwicklungen auf den Energiemärkten in Mitteleuropa, in Kombination mit der Schließung der Nuklearanlagen in Deutschland, wird die Notwendigkeit für weiter entwickelte Energiedienstleistungen steigen.

"Die tschechischen und slowakischen Märkte sind nicht die größten Märkte Europas,
aber wir erwarten viele Veränderungen und positive Entwicklungen in naher Zukunft -
das ist unser Grund für Präsenz in diesen Märkten", 

berichtet Heiner Walbaum, Vice President von Bergen Energi für CEE-Märkte.

DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. wird das komplette Serviceportfolio von Bergen Energi anbieten, einschließlich Portfolio Management, Energy Data Management und Dienstleistungen zur Nachhaltigkeit. Dieses Portfolio ergänzt die ihre bestehenden Leistungen wie Beratung und Engineering-Dienstleistungen für Energieeffizienten Management, erneuerbare Stromproduktion und integrierte Energie-Management-Systeme. Dies bedeutet, dass nun die Kunden von einer vollständigen und integrierten Service-Lösung zur Optimierung ihres Energiebedarfs profitieren können.

Paul Eschbach, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der DELTA EXERGY s.r.o., kommentiert: 

"Durch Kombination unserer Fachkenntnisse von lokalen Energiemärkte mit dem 
Service-Portfolio der Bergen Energi ermöglicht es uns, unseren Kunden erforderliche 
Energie-Management-Dienstleistungen in allen Bereichen einschließlich der Portfolio Management, 
Carbon Footprint,  Energieeffizienz und Energie-Management-Systeme anbieten zu können". 

Tschechische und slowakische Unternehmen die auf den Energie-Märkten tätig sind, können jetzt von dem internationalen und unabhängigen Sachverstand profitieren, die eine globale und neutrale Perspektive über Energiefragen einnimmt. Die Kunden können auch von einem direkten Marktzugang (Direct Market Access) profitieren, der bessere Preise, transparente Handelsprozesse und keine versteckten Transaktionskosten verschafft.

Die Kunden werden auch vom transparenten, web-basierten Energie Daten Management Reporting-System profitieren, das genaue und aktuelle Übersicht ihrer Kosten, Verbrauch- und Kohlendioxidzustand liefert. Diese Daten werden in die unternehmeneigenen Management Information System (MIS) integriert, die spezifische und aktuelle Informationen für ihre erfolgreiche Geschäftssteuerung benötigen.

Über Bergen Energi

Bergen Energi bietet in ganzen Europa innovative Energie-Management-Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen, die auf den Energiemärkten Produkte beantragen. Aufgrund Kompetenz und Sachverstand liefert Bergen Energi transparente und optimierte Lösungen, die zur Erreichung von besseren finanziellen Ergebnissen und zur Erfüllung der nachhaltigen Ambitionen ihrer Kunden beitragen. Bergen Energi ist ein Gründungsmitglied der Energy Experts, einer globalen Allianz von führenden Energie-Management-Dienstleister, die globale Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen mit Niederlassungen in der ganzen Welt anbieten.

Über DELTA EXERGY s.r.o.

DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. ist ein Prager (Tschechische Republik), privatbesitzendes Unternehmen und der exklusive Sales Agent der Bergen Energi für die Tschechische und Slowakische Republik, verfügend über Muttersprachler Berater auf dem Markt. Sachverstand der DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. liegt in der Beratung und Engineering-Dienstleistungen für Energieeffizienten Management, erneuerbare Stromproduktion und integrierte Energie-Management-Systeme.

Bergen Energi AS and DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. sign strategic partnership to expand energy market services to Czech and Slovak Republic

BERGEN, NORWAY – From the 1st of June 2011, the leading international energy expert, Bergen Energi, is extending its services for the CEE markets to include the Czech and Slovak Republics in strategic cooperation with Prague based partner DELTA EXERGY s.r.o.. Following their strategy for serving customers in all main markets in Europe, the move into these two CEE countries is pivotal. Many customers of Bergen Energi have subsidiaries and production plants there and are requesting all services from one organisation. Also, due to the recent developments in energy markets in Central Europe, combined with the shutdown of nuclear facilities in Germany, the need for more sophisticated energy services are predicted.

“The Czech and Slovak markets are not the biggest in Europe, 
but we expect many changes and positive developments in near future – 
that’s why we want to be present in these markets” 

reports Heiner Walbaum, Vice President of Bergen Energi for CEE Markets.

DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. will offer the full service portfolio of Bergen Energi, including Portfolio Management, Energy Data Management and Sustainability Services which will compliment their existing services they provide including consulting and engineering services for energy efficiency management, renewable power production and integrated energy management systems. This means that now clients can benefit from a complete and integrated services solution for optimizing their energy issues.

Paul Eschbach, Managing Partner DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. comments 

“We are combining our local energy market expertise with the 
service portfolio of Bergen Energi which means we can now offer customers’ 
essential energy management services in all areas including portfolio management, 
carbon footprinting, energy efficiency and energy management systems”

Czech and Slovakian companies exposed to the energy markets can now benefit from international, independent expertise which will incorporate a global perspective of energy issues in an unbiased way.

Clients can also benefit from Direct Market Access which will provide improved pricing, transparent trades and no hidden transaction costs. Clients will also benefit from a transparent, web based energy data management reporting system that will provide them with accurate, up to date summaries of their costs, consumption and carbon. This data is integrated into their corporate Management Information System (MIS) for companies who require specific, real time information to help them run their business.

About Bergen Energi

Bergen Energi provides innovative energy management services across Europe to companies exposed to the energy markets. With a combination of competence and experience Bergen Energi delivers transparentand optimized solutions that contribute to clients’ profitability and help them achieve their sustainability ambitions. Bergen Energi is a founding member of Energy Experts, a global alliance of leading energy management service providers that offer global services to companies with facilities around the world.

About DELTA EXERGY s.r.o.

DELTA EXERGY s.r.o., is a Prague (Czech Republic) based, privately owned and operated company and is the exclusive sales agent for Bergen Energi in Czech and Slovak Republic and will serve the market with native consultants. DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. expertise lies within consulting and engineering services for energy efficiency management, renewable power production and integrated energy management systems.

Bergen Energi AS a DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. uzavřeli strategické partnerství pro expanzi služeb energetických trhů do České a Slovenské republiky.

BERGEN, NORSKO – Přední mezinárodní energetický expert, společnost Bergen Energi, rozšířila k 1. červnu 2011 svoji působnost a své služby bude nabízet na trzích střední a východní Evropy, přičemž pro trh v České a Slovenské republice uzavřela strategickou spolupráci se společností DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. se sídlem v Praze. V souladu s firemní strategií nabízet své služby zákazníkům na všech hlavních trzích v Evropě, je vstup na trhy zemí střední a východní Evropy stěžejní. Mnoho zákazníků Bergen Energi má zde své dceřiné společnosti a výrobní závody a požadují tak zajištění služeb v rámci jedné organizace. Rovněž s ohledem na změny na energetických trzích ve střední Evropě spolu s avizovaným odstavením jaderných elektrárenv Německu, lze predikovat růst poptávky po sofistikovanějších energetických službách.

„Trhy v České a Slovenské republice nejsou největšími trhy v Evropě, 
ale očekáváme výrazné změny a pozitivní vývoj v blízké budoucnosti – 
to je důvod, proč na tyto trhy vstupujeme”, 

říká Heiner Walbaum, Vice President Bergen Energi pro CEE trhy.

DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. bude nabízet všechny služby z portfolia Bergen Energi, zahrnující Energy PortfolioManagement, Energy Data Management a služby pro udržitelný rozvoj, kterými doplní stávající nabídku svých služeb zahrnující poradenství a inženýring pro energeticky efektivní management, výrobu energie z obnovitelných zdrojů a integrované systémy energetického managementu. To v praxi znamená, že nyní budou moci zákazníci profitovat z komplexních a integrovaných řešení při optimalizaci svých energetických potřeb.

Paul Eschbach, jednatel společnosti DELTA EXERGY s.r.o., dodává: 

„Naše znalost lokálního energetického trhu v kombinaci s 
portfoliem služeb Bergen Energi nám umožňuje nabídnout našim 
zákazníkům potřebné služby v rámci energetického managementu ve 
všech oblastech včetně Portfolia managementu, správu CO2 emisí, 
energetické účinnosti a systémů pro energetický management.“

České a slovenské společnosti poptávající produkty na energetických trzích mohou nyní těžit z mezinárodních nezávislých odborných znalostí a nestranného globálního pohledu na energetické otázky. Zákazníci mohou rovněž využít přímého vstupu na trh (Direct Market Access), který nabízí lepší ceny, vyšší transparentnost obchodů a žádné skryté transakční náklady.

Zákazníci budou moci také profitovat z transparentní webové reportingové aplikace pro správu energetických dat. Tento systém bude poskytovat přesné a aktuální přehledy nákladů, stavu spotřeby a emisí. Tato data budou moci společnosti, které vyžadují specifické a aktuální informace pro úspěšné řízení svého podnikání, integrovat do vlastních systému řízení informací (Management Information Systém, MIS).

O Bergen Energi

Bergen Energi poskytuje svoje inovativní služby v rámci energetického managementu po celé Evropěspolečnostem, které poptávají produkty na energetických trzích. Na základě svých zkušeností a vysoké odbornosti nabízí Bergen Energi transparentní a optimální řešení, která přispívají k dosáhnutí lepších finančních výsledků a napomáhají ke splnění udržitelných cílů svých zákazníků. Bergen Energi je zakládajícím členem Energy Experts, globální aliance předních poskytovatelůenergetických služeb, kteří nabízejí globální služby společnostem s podniky po celém světě.


DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. se sídlem v Praze (Česká republika), vlastněná privátním majitelem, je výhradním obchodním zástupcem pro Bergen Energi pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku, kde disponuje lokálními konzultanty. Odbornost společnosti DELTA EXERGY s.r.o. spočívá v poskytování poradenských služeb a inženýringu pro energeticky efektivní management, výrobu energie z obnovitelných zdrojů a integrované systémy energetického managementu.